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Did you know that you can support us simply by shopping online?  


Give as you Live, EasyFundraising and Amazon Smile are online fundraising platforms that allow you to shop at all of your favourite stores AND raise money for charity, without any extra cost to you! Wow! 


Amazon, Next, eBay, Argos, Sainsbury's and so many more stores - with everything from hats to holidays! The online stores pay these fundraising platforms a percentage of your total spend in commission and they turn that into a donation for us. All you have to do is:


1  - Create your free account on either site and select The Snappy Trust as your chosen charity.


2 – Log in and choose the online store you’d like to shop at.


3 – Browse and shop as you would normally, happy in the knowledge that whatever you buy, you’re supporting The Snappy Trust!


Visit our fundraising pages on Easyfundraising,   Give as you Live and Amazon Smile 

and start donating to SNAPPY everytime you shop!



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